“Dr Myles Munroe once said that the richest place on earth is not the gold and diamond mines of South Africa. The richest place on earth is the graveyard because buried beneath the soil are books that were not written, ideas that were not shared, songs that were not sung, and purpose that was not fulfilled. ‘Die empty’ represents using all the potential that is inside of us before we die.”
What is it about?
The above is an excerpt from the eLearning course Born To Be Great: a project VUCA Consulting recently had the pleasure of embarking on with Tshepiso Maledu. She is the author of the book Born to Be Great, a passionate inspirational speaker and a life coach who inspires people to discover their own value and pursue their purpose.
The Born To Be Great eLearning course is meant to help you discover the greatness inside and provide you with tools to become a more effective leader.
It will help you:
- Discover your GREAT potential
- Develop REMARKABLE dreams
- Deploy EXCEPTIONAL self-discipline
- Decide to make AWESOME choices
- Dominate using your TERRIFIC talent

Born To Be Great forms part of multiple short courses developed by VUCA Consulting, aimed at managers and leaders. Other courses include Leadership & Influence, 10 Soft Skills, Business Acumen and Employee Support, to name but a few.
How did we do it?
Our Learning and Development Specialists transformed Tshepiso’s life coaching book into content suitable for eLearning. Tshepiso then recorded the voice-over and did a photoshoot and filming of some short videos in front of a green screen. Finally, our Graphic and Instructional Designers worked their magic. It’s a one-on-one life-coaching experience with the professional herself.

Not personal enough yet? The course also helps users to introspect, reflect and take action by providing them with daily thoughts and self-reflection questionnaires, confidentially sent to the user via email on completion.

What does Tshepiso think?
Tshepiso Maledu holds a master’s degree in Coaching and Behavioural Change, an Honours Degree in Dramatic Arts and furthered her studies in HR, Training and Development and Industrial and Organisational Psychology.
Her thoughts?
“This is life changing, inspirational work, even if I have to say so myself. Thank you once again for breathing life into this work, I am eternally grateful.”
Want to see a sample? Click here
What do you think makes up a great leader?